Sean Harris, CPA, CA, CBV, CFF is a principal of Verity.
Sean is a Principal at Verity with over 12 years of professional experience and has specialized in business and securities valuation, financial advisory services and litigation support since 2015.
Prior to joining Verity, Sean held senior positions in large multi-national valuation and professional services firms and industry.
Sean’s experience in business valuation includes privately held business securities in a broad range of industries, employee stock options and restricted share awards. In the area of financial litigation support, Sean’s experience includes damages and loss quantification, forensic investigation, calculation of income for support purposes and fund tracing.
Sean has prepared and critiqued numerous expert reports in connection with a variety of matters involving business securities valuation and financial litigation support matters, including shareholder and partner disputes, commercial litigation, forensic investigation, family law, estate planning and corporate reorganizations.
Sean has attended and assisted in numerous mediation and other private settlement proceedings.
Sean is a member of the Chartered Professional Accountants Canada (CPA Canada) and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators (CBV Institute), and has been Certified in Financial Forensics by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Sean obtained a Bachelor of Commerce with Honours from Queen’s University.
Prior to focusing on business valuation and litigation support services, Sean gained a breadth of experience as a member of each of the audit and assurance, consulting and deals and tax group within the Toronto office of a large multi-national accounting firm. Most recently, Sean was the CFO of a Canadian publicly listed company with a market capitalization in excess of $100 million.